Top 5 tips on surviving… an overnight bus

  1. The best life advice I have ever been given… Assume the chair in front will always lean back – and prepare accordingly! The answer to a much happier life.
  2. Choose your seat wisely – aisle or window? Back or front? How long is the journey = how close to the toilet you can sit? Beware of the seat in front of the toilet… sometimes the best lean back chair ever! Sometimes it doesn’t even move. Tears before bedtime!
  3. Acknowledge your neighbour – this is the person you will spend the night with. They might be useless or they might give you an insight into your destination you never knew about. It’s worth the risk. And you always have your trusty headphones to signify end-of-conversation.
  4. Plan ahead – don’t assume there will be many food stops! These coach drivers really like to get there.
  5. Shower in a can – so you might not want a petrol station shower. Who can blame you! But a wipe and spray can make you feel a whole day cleaner before you continue your travels! And your bus companions might appreciate it too.

The basics…

…your ipod! It may seem obvious but plenty of fellow travellers tried to use their phones for music and games. Unless you’re lucky enough to be on a luxury overnighter expect no chargers, and plenty of alone time staring out the window.

…a cushion or pillow – a bed away from a bed! It’s worth looking a little silly on either side of your journey for this extra comfort and anything to try and prevent the neck ache is well worth it.

…water – you may not want to use the coach toilet but being stuck on a hot bus without any water is worse.

If I haven’t put you off then Europe is your oyster Eurolines coaches ( Check the Special offers and you can find yourself on a £5 bus to Amsterdam or a Funfare to Dublin for £19 with almost unlimited luggage (shopping) allowance – if you’re short on money and long on time it could be an extra adventure.

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